Digital foreign exchange trading.
Currently, SURFACExchange is not operational. SURFACExchange is designed with the intent to be a fully electronic, completely anonymous central limit order book for foreign exchange (“FX”) options for institutional clients.
We believe SURFACExchange can provide a multi-lateral trading platform for over-the-counter foreign exchange (“FX”) trading (spot and options) – from order creation through settlement. Specially designed for institutional traders, all stages of the option life cycle are expected to be handled electronically, including expiration.

The goal of SURFACExchange is to make trading FX options more efficient and accessible to customers.
Following the proposed Business Combination and anticipated acquisitions, we expect to have the following benefits:
Expected to use a central clearing model to help facilitate anonymity
Expected to make liquidity accessible to market participants, allowing them to trade with any other market participant on the platform
Expected to enable institutions to leverage different modules of the platform in different businesses with minimal customization
Expected to support real-time credit management